Yasuyuki Saito

Yasuyuki Saito has been working for The Asahi Shimbun, Japanese daily newspaper company in The Opinion Poll Research Center for more than 10 years. The Asahi Shimbun conducts polls not only on domestic politics and social issue, but also on international various topics. He has acted as a project leader in several international survey projects. For example, he has conducted a Japan-U.S. survey concerning the Japan-U.S. security treaty in 2010 and another survey across 7 countries including Japan and U.S. concerning nuclear power generation in 2011 right after the earthquake and Fukushima nuclear power plant accident.

He is also interested in bicycle and not only riding bicycles but also making (frame building) bicycles. Last year, he had business trip to Amsterdam, Netherland and Copenhagen, Denmark to visit Dutch Cycling Embassy, Fietsersbond, Veiligverkeer Nederland, and have interviews staffs and key persons including M. Colville-Andersen and shoot the video about the situation of bicycle and wrote the article. The article was published on Globe Japanese weekly newspaper in last September by The Asahi Shimbun. He also appeared on television program “Ima Sekai Wa” of BS Asahi to give comments about bike infrastructures in Amsterdam and Copenhagen.